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The Empire Build Academy

Learn how to build a powerful army in State of Survival with this comprehensive troops guide. Dominate the battlefield with the right troop composition.



Troops Guide for State of Survival

Are you looking to dominate the battlefield in State of Survival? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about troops in this popular mobile game. From selecting the right units to understanding their strengths and weaknesses, we've got you covered.

Introduction to Troops

Troops are the backbone of your army in State of Survival. They come in various types, each with their own unique abilities and attributes. It's crucial to have a balanced army composition to effectively take on your enemies. Whether you're attacking other players or defending your own base, having the right troops at your disposal can make all the difference.


Types of Troops

There are several types of troops in State of Survival, each specializing in different aspects of combat. From infantry units that excel in close-quarters combat to ranged units that can provide support from a distance, you'll need to carefully consider which troops to deploy for each situation. Here are some of the main troop types:

  • Infantry

  • Archers

  • Riders

  • Vehicles

Each troop type has its own strengths and weaknesses, so be sure to mix and match to create a well-rounded army.

Troop Tiers

In addition to different types of troops, there are also different tiers of troops in State of Survival. Higher-tier troops are generally more powerful and have better stats than lower-tier troops. However, they also require more resources to recruit and maintain. As you progress in the game, you'll have the opportunity to unlock higher-tier troops and upgrade your existing units.

Building Your Army:

Now that you have a basic understanding of troops in State of Survival, it's time to start building your army. Here are some tips to help you create a formidable fighting force:

Diversify Your Troops: As mentioned earlier, having a diverse range of troop types is essential for success in the game. Make sure to have a good mix of infantry, archers, riders, and vehicles in your army.

Upgrade Your Troops: Regularly upgrading your troops is key to staying competitive in State of Survival. Invest resources into boosting their stats and unlocking new abilities to increase their effectiveness on the battlefield.


Research Technology: The technology tree in the game offers various upgrades that can benefit your troops. Make sure to prioritize researching tech that enhances your army's capabilities.

Join an Alliance: Team up with other players by joining an alliance. Not only will you have access to alliance-wide benefits, but you can also coordinate attacks and defences with your allies for greater success.

In conclusion, mastering the art of troop management is essential for achieving victory in State of Survival. By understanding the different types of troops, building a well-balanced army, and constantly improving your units, you'll be well on your way to becoming a top player in the game. So gather your troops, strategize your battles, and emerge victorious on the battlefield!



Detailed Troops Overview

Troops have four important attributes: attack, lethality, defence, and health.

Attack and lethality show how much damage your troops can deal and how likely they are to damage the enemy. Defence helps reduce the damage they take, while health indicates how much damage they can withstand before falling.

Both defence and health determine how long your troops can stay in battle while the enemy attacks.

It's important to boost all four attributes, but here are some tips for specific troop types. Infantry troops act as tanks in combat, so it's a good idea to upgrade your infantry tier first.

In the game, you have three different types of troops to choose from: infantry, hunters, and riders. Each type has a specific role in battle to help you strategize and defeat your enemies.

Infantry troops are the tough melee units armed with shields and shotguns. They excel at close combat and lead the charge on the front-line.

Riders are the versatile mid-range troops that hold down the centre of the formation. They bring a balanced approach to the battlefield.


Hunter troops are skilled ranged units with powerful long-range attacks. They provide support from the backline, picking off enemies from a safe distance.

Don't forget to utilize the strengths of each troop type in your army composition. For example, infantry troops are especially effective against riders, thanks to their shotguns and increased defence. Keep this in mind as you plan your next battle! Here is a quick overview for you to try and remember:

  • Infantry type: Shot guns; Offers better defence against riders

  • Infantry type: Shields; Provides better defence against bows

  • Hunters type: Bows; Deals more damage against infantry

  • Hunter type: Snipers; Causes increased damage against riders

  • Riders type: Bikers; Inflict more damage against hunters

  • Riders type: ATVs; Deal more damage against Infantry

When you reach lookout tower level 10, you can find out what types of troops your target has. At level 16, you can figure out the exact number of troops, and by level 21, you'll have all the accurate information.

For example, if the enemy has a lot of Infantry units, it might be a good idea to send more ATVs and/or bows than infantry because they are more effective against infantry units.

Training Troops in State of Survival:

  • Barracks: Train Infantry units

  • Range: Train Hunters

  • Garage: Train Riders


Are you wondering how to train a larger number of troops at once?

To boost your training capabilities and accommodate more troops, focus on improving your training facilities like camps, barracks, ranges, and garages. The level of your training camp directly affects how many troops you can train and how quickly they'll be ready for battle. Consider doing some research to enhance your training speed and capacity, or invest talent points in chief talents. You can also take advantage of settlement buffs to temporarily increase your training capacity by 10% for two hours, 15% for four hours, 20% for eight hours, or 20% for twelve hours.

For instance, when working on developing parts in the research lab, you have the option to enhance your training yards and routines. Here are the different training routines available with their corresponding total training speed increases:

Training Routines 1: 7.4% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 2: 15.2% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 3: 22.6% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 4: 30% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 5: 37.4% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 6: 44.8% total training speed increase extra

Training Routines 7: 44.8% total training speed increase extra

Feel free to choose the training routine that best suits your needs and watch your training speed improve!


To get access to high-tier troops, simply upgrade your barrack for top-tier infantry, the range for top-tier hunters, and the garage for top-tier riders.

How to Upgrade troops?

When you choose lower-tier troops, you'll see a cute little upgrade icon pop up on the left side of your screen. Give it a tap and watch as your training screen transforms into a shiny new upgrade screen.

Just keep in mind that when you upgrade, the troops you select will be temporarily out of commission while they level up. And remember, you'll be switching to the latest design, which may not always be the best choice. So, think twice before upgrading all your Snipers to Bows and losing those Sniper abilities


While your troops are getting a makeover, your battle power might dip slightly. But don't worry, once the upgrade is complete, your battle power, including any differences between tiers, will bounce right back up.


Injured Troops:

When your troops are injured in battle, they can be classified into three statuses: lightly wounded, wounded, or lost.

Lightly Wounded Troops:

Lightly wounded troops will automatically recover once your troops return to your HQ.

Wounded Troops:

Wounded troops will need to be treated in the hospital after the battle. This process requires resources, time, or biocaps.

Lost Troops:

Unfortunately, lost troops are killed in battle. Some may be recovered through the enlistment office.


For the defending side:

Lost troops will first be converted to wounded status. Once your hospital is full, remaining lost troops will go to the enlistment office for enlistment.

If the enlistment office is also full, any extra lost troops will be lost for good, and you will have to train new troops. Keep in mind that enlistment office capacity is four times that of the hospital. Stay strong, soldier!

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Understanding the Roles in Battle

When it comes to battles, it's important to know who's on the attacking side and who's on the defending side. This can make a big difference in the outcome of the fight. Here's a breakdown of how we define these roles in different situations:

If the battle takes place in a player's Settlement, the attacker is considered the attacking side, while the defender is on the defending side.

At a resource spot, both sides are considered defending.

In an alliance building like the headquarters, alliance members are always defending, even if they're the ones launching the attack. The invader is always on the attacking side.

In the capital's main building or towers, both sides are attacking.

Understanding these roles can help you strategize and make the most of your battle tactics. So next time you're in a fight, remember who's attacking and who's defending to give yourself the best chance of victory!


Here are five situations where your troops might not make it back home if your hospital is already full:

When you attack another chief's Settlement: Be prepared to face some casualties in battle.

During a battle at an alliance HQ: Whether you're attacking or defending, injuries can happen to your troops.

When you attack another chief's troops farming RSS: Watch out for retaliation from their troops.

When your troops are garrisoned in the capital: If the enemy takes control of a tower nearby, they can attack and harm your troops.

When you attack diseased: Be cautious, as infections can spread. Stay safe out there!



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