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The Empire Build Academy

Discover expert tips & strategies in our Troop Guide for Evony: The King's Return. Master your army composition and conquer the battlefield with The Empire Build Academy!



An Overview of The Troops Used in Evony The Kings Return

You've been playing Evony The Kings Return and you're keen to get a grasp on the intricacies behind the curtain. What exactly are these troops you're gallantly leading into battle? What's the shtick? What are the nuts and bolts behind their strengths and weaknesses? You're thirsty for knowledge and we've got your back. Hang tight, we're about to launch into an in-depth exploration of the troops used in this great, gripping game.

What exactly is Evony The Kings Return?

An online multiplayer game, Evony The Kings Return tasks you with the challenging role of city management and strategic warfare. Your troops are your knights in shiny armour, the backbone of your city's defence and offense. Now, how do those troops work exactly? Let's dive in, shall we?

Types of troops in Evony The Kings Return

Evony The Kings Return is a game of many chapters, and the troops that fill these pages heavily impact the gameplay narrative. They are divided into four main classes, each with unique abilities. Are your palms sweaty with anticipation yet?


Ground Troops

Good old ground troops, the salt of the earth. These troopers are the first ones on the field, ready to take on the enemy without flinching. From Infantry to Artillery, these guys pack a punch, don't they? Think strength and stamina.

Mounted Troops

Can you hear the thunderous hooves approaching? The mounted troops in Evony The Kings Return are usually faster, boasting shorter march time, and better attack stats than their on-foot counterparts.

Ranged Troops

Want to strike your enemy from a safe distance? Look no further than the ranged troops. On a balanced diet of arrows and siege machines, these sharp shooters can do damage from a long way off.

Fortified troops

"D" is for Defence. Fortified troops include units like the wall, traps, and trebuchets. Don't smirk at their seemingly passive nature. Their power lies in their ability to guard your city against attacks.

Amazing Abilities of the Troops in Evony The Kings Return

Each class of troops has its unique abilities based on their strengths. For instance, the ground troops are best suited for close combat. Do you feel your heart racing already?

The Mounted troops are stellar performers in hit and run tactics due to their speedy nature.

The ranged troops? They're your best bet for hit and hide tactics.

The Fortified troops? They work tirelessly to guard your precious city.

In Evony The Kings Return, your troops' abilities can be further enhanced through training and upgrading. So, don't just sit idly and put your troops to work! Understanding your troops and their abilities is key to conquering your enemies in Evony The Kings Return, as is keeping your chin up through it all. Keep grinding, keep strategizing, and you're sure to have a king's success.


In Evony TKR, players have access to four types of troops: Mounted, Ground, Ranged, and Siege machines. This guide breaks down the unique traits of each troop, their distinctions, and the best ways to utilize them.

Whether you're just starting out or have some experience under your belt, this information can help improve your PvP strategy and understanding of battle mechanics.

If you're just starting out in the game, here's a helpful tip:

  • Mounted troops are great for PvE (like hunting monsters).

  • Other troops are best for PvP (Player vs Player).

  • So, until you're really into PvP battles, focus on increasing the number of mounted troops.

Ranged and Ground troops can also hunt monsters, but you'll need more than twice as many as mounted troops, so it's best to hold off on using them in the beginning.

Siege machines are delicate and not ideal for monster hunting unless you have a lot of troops to protect them. However, they're handy for gathering resources since they can carry more than other troops.

Let me explain further what I mean by breaking down the troop types:

  • Mounted: These troops are great for PvE (Hunting Monsters) and PvP (vs Ground)

  • Ground: These troops excel in PvP (vs Ranged) and are perfect for resource gathering

  • Ranged: These troops are strong in PvP (vs Mounted)

  • Siege: Ideal for PvP (vs Ranged) and also excellent for resource gathering

So, you can see that in PvP battles, there's a rock-paper-scissors dynamic between each type of troops. It's all about strategy and choosing the right troops for the job!


Strong and Weak Relationships in Battle

Let's break it down in a simple way! (Just a heads up: if they're in the same category, they cancel each other out with buffs and debuffs.)

  • Mounted units are strong against Ground units.

  • Ground units are strong against Ranged units.

  • Ranged units are strong against Mounted units.

Now, let's talk about Siege machines - they're a bit different. They're strong against Ranged units but weak against Mounted and Ground units. (But here's the cool part - they're "extremely" strong against lower-tier troops! I'll dive into that a bit more later.)

Please Note: These tips are designed for situations where both you and your opponent have similar troop tiers, buffs, and debuffs. If there is a significant difference, this advice may not apply.

For instance, if your opponent has a line-up focused on ranged troops with a strong attack buff for them, and you are using a ground troop formation, you'll struggle to win unless you have enough debuffs for ranged troops and buffs for ground troops. Keep this in mind when strategizing your battles!

Some monsters have a pre-battle screen that shows different types of troops - like mounted, ground, or ranged. Don't stress about it though! You can totally stick with just mounted troops if you want. Switching troop types doesn't really make a huge difference, so no need to fret! Just have fun strategizing and battling those monsters.

Relationship between Strong & Weak 2

In PvP battles, opponents start at a distance and take turns attacking. Mounted & Ground types have the upper hand against Ranged & Siege types IF THEY CAN GET CLOSE ENOUGH.

  • Mounted & Ground excel in close combat.

  • Ranged & Siege are skilled at long-distance fighting.

Just keep in mind that proximity plays a key role in determining who comes out on top in battle!



Supplement 1: Enhancing Speed & Range

Having a longer range means you can attack the enemy without letting them get too close to your troops. On the other hand, faster speed allows your troops to approach the enemy swiftly in one turn, minimizing their chances of attacking your troops without retaliation.

However, it's important to note that in monster battles, distance, and speed may not always play a significant role as the battle usually starts at zero distance.

Supplement 2: Understanding Power

Power is like a badge of strength in the game, but it's just a number for reference - not the whole story!

Remember, all troop types in the same tier have the same power. While attack and HP stats vary between troop types, these differences don't affect power.

Oh, and here's a handy tip! In the game, you might notice that two boss monsters with the same power can have vastly different amounts of wounds. Even when using different troops, the situation stays the same. It's just one of those quirky game quirks!


Let's dive into the details of each troop type:

Mounted Troop:

Primary Usage: Monster Hunting

Good Against: Ground, Siege

Bad Against: Ranged

Pros: Attack, Speed

Cons: Defence, Range

The Mounted Troop has the highest attack power, making it perfect for taking on monsters. In PvP battles, their speed comes in handy, allowing them to quickly close the distance with enemies.

However, their low defence leaves them vulnerable to taking damage. They excel against ground units, as their high attack can easily overpower them. On the flip side, they struggle against ranged units due to their weak defence.

Keep in mind that despite their speed, Mounted Troops can be taken down quickly by ranged units if they're not careful. So, it's important to strategize and use their strengths wisely in battle.


When facing a siege, the mounted units may be targeted multiple times before reaching the siege, but the siege's attack is minimal. Thanks to their speed, the mounted units can reach the siege before succumbing to the attacks. Once they reach the siege, the defence and HP of the siege are low, making it easy to defeat in just a few turns.

Whether the speed of the mounted units is an advantage or disadvantage is open to interpretation. Some believe it puts them at a higher risk of dying, but I'm not entirely convinced of that yet.

Ground Troop Overview

Primary Usage: PvP battles and resource gathering

Strengths: Effective against ranged and siege units

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to mounted units

Pros: Strong defence, high HP, and great carrying capacity

Cons: Weak attack and limited range

Ground troops may not have the highest attack power, but they are perfect for defending your base and carrying resources. They excel in PvP battles thanks to their resilience and ability to withstand enemy attacks.

While they struggle against mounted units, ground troops can easily overpower ranged opponents once they close the distance. Just be wary of highly buffed ranged units - they can pick off your troops before they even get close.


When facing a siege, the ground troops will be targeted multiple times before they can reach the siege. However, the siege's attacks are not very powerful, so the ground troops' high defence and HP will allow them to survive until they reach their target. Once they engage with the siege, they will be able to easily defeat it due to the siege's low defence and HP.

It's important to note that siege units are particularly vulnerable to mounted troops. Since both ground and mounted units have the same attack range, the ground troops cannot inflict damage on the mounted units before they close in. This vulnerability exposes the ground troops to the low attack power of the siege, making it essential to strategize effectively during battles.


Ranged Troop Overview:

Primary Usage: Great for PvP battles

Good Against: Mounted troops

Bad Against: Ground troops and siege weapons

Pros: Excellent range for attacking from a distance

Cons: Slow speed, weak defence, low HP

Tips for Using Ranged Troops:

While hunting monsters, keep in mind that they have lower attack power and may require more troops than mounted enemies.

In PvP, be aware that your ranged troops are vulnerable up close but excel at attacking from a distance. Their attack power is higher than siege troops, but their range is not as extensive.

Ranged troops are especially effective against mounted foes, often achieving a high kill rate.

They can even take down higher tier mounted troops on their own.

Ground troops can pose a threat if they get too close, but buffing your ranged troops to eliminate them before they reach your ranks can give you the upper hand. Stay strategic and counter your opponents effectively!


When going up against siege machines, the siege troops have a longer range than the ranged troops, putting the ranged troops at a bit of a disadvantage. Because the ranged troops are slower, it takes them some time to reach the range of the siege troops. If your opponent only has a few siege machines, you've got a good chance of winning. But watch out if they have a lot of siege units! This is especially true when you're attacking the enemy player's city. Unlike the attacker, the defender can have as many troops as they want. There have been times when a player with a level 35 keep was defeated by an enemy with a ton of tier 1 siege machines. So be mindful of the balance between siege and ranged troops when planning your attacks! :)

Siege Machine

Primary Usage: PvP, Resource Gathering

Effective Against: Ranged enemies

Weak Against: Mounted, Ground units

Advantages: Long range, high carrying capacity

Disadvantages: Low attack, defence, and HP


The siege machine may be slow, but its impressive range makes up for it. It may seem vulnerable up close, but this actually works to its advantage when keeping enemies at a distance.

Utilize its superior carrying capacity for aggressive resource gathering.

In PvP battles, the siege machine excels at long-range attacks, making up for its vulnerability to close-range threats. Its range far exceeds that of traditional ranged troops, giving you a significant advantage in combat.

Siege units have a tough time dealing with fast-moving mounted and ground troops. If you want to take down siege units, just send your cavalry or infantry their way, and they'll do the job before the slow siege units can retaliate.

On the flip side, siege units pack quite a punch against lower-tier troops. I've seen them wipe out enemy troops with a kill rate 10 to 23 times higher! It's probably because those lower-tier troops tend to have weaker defences and health points. Keep this in mind for your next battle strategy!

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Pros and Cons of each


Mounted = Attack, Speed

Ground = HP, Defence

Ranged = Range

Siege = Range, Load


Mounted = Defence, Range

Ground = Attack, Range

Ranged = Speed, Defence, HP

Siege = Attack, Defence



HP Here are the key stats for each troop type:

Attack: Boosts damage dealt to enemies.

Defence: Lessens damage taken from enemies.

HP: Increases a troop's ability to withstand damage.

Speed: How quickly a troop can engage an enemy after combat starts.

Range: The distance a troop can attack from.

Load: Determines how much a troop can gather when collecting resources.

Upkeep: The amount of food a troop consumes over time.

Power: A rough estimate of a troop's overall strength.

Knowing these stats will help you strategize and deploy your troops effectively!


For reference, here are the stats for Tier 12 troops:















































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