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What is this page all about?


Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads up that this site is still in its early stages of development by yours truly. So, expect to see some continuous changes happening on the website.

This page called 'Site Updates' will be where I keep track of all the updates I've made, as well as the changes I plan to make. It's also a place where you, as part of our awesome community, can share any ideas or suggestions to improve the site.

Feel free to send me any ideas personally at

I want to express my gratitude in advance to anyone who can lend a hand or support me in this ongoing project. Thanks a million!


If you come across any mistakes or have any suggestions/ideas, please feel free to send them my way at Your input is greatly appreciated! You can support me with the project here


I anticipate continuously updating this page throughout the week, promptly enhancing the site with improvements


If you're a fan of a specific game and feel like you have a ton of knowledge to share, I'd love to hear from you. Simply send me an email to the address provided above, and don't forget to include any videos or information you have.

By the way, if you happen to know any awesome software or applications that are freely available or affordable online, I'd greatly appreciate any recommendations. 


Calling All Gamers!

  • Hey everyone, just another quick update, as I sit at home, contemplating what else to add to the site, as well as improvements, to make it more user-friendly

  • And it got me thinking, I want this site to be a huge community, where all gamers of this genre, come together, be active in the forums, and most importantly, be a library of information for many, many games

  • So, with that said, if you play a particular game, and you think you could share some great knowledge, then feel free to send me an email to, and I will take a look

  • Speak soon, and remember knowledge is power


Aiming for a June 1st 2024 launch date!

  • Hey everyone, I have been so busy with my other two websites, one of which is a free online quiz website and the other which is an awesome football blog which not only has football quizzes but also a page dedicated to the latest football match highlights

  • So The Empire Build Academy had to take a back seat for a couple of weeks, while I did some necessary improvements to those two sites

  • Out of the three websites, this is by far, the biggest and most complicated of all of them. It will require a lot of content, a lot of research, a lot of reading, a lot of playing games, and crucially, a lot of speaking to the awesome mobile war strategy game players

  • But I am now able to focus hard on this project and really make some drastic improvements to the site as well as plenty of updated content over the coming weeks

  • Again, I will mention, if you are a mobile strategy game player, with some great knowledge and tips on a particular game, then please, get in touch with me, and send me anything you have that may be able to aid and improve this site

  • I will also aim to get a lot more content and videos uploaded on my dedicated mobile strategy games YouTube account, so keep an eye out for them

  • Over the next 6 weeks, I really do aim to push on with this project and get it ready for the next level. Feel free to get involved with the forum and lets start getting The Empire Build Academy name out there.


Calling All Mobile War Strategists!

  • I have now launched the official YouTube channel (exciting) for T.E.B.A. and you can see my very first promo vid on the homepage.

  • Hey everyone, just a little update on The Empire Build Academy (T.E.B.A. for short). It's my dream to create a one-stop place for all things mobile war strategy games, a place where everyone can come together and level up their skills

  • This is a big project, and like any good empire, it takes time to build. You might see some errors, duplicate stuff (that's just me streamlining the process!), and other things that need a little polish. Don't worry, it's all part of the journey

  • My goal is to create a massive library of knowledge for all your favourite mobile strategy games. Think of it as a giant war room where everyone can share tips, tricks, and conquer the competition together! 

  • If you're a mobile war genius and want to contribute your knowledge to the cause, please do! This is all about learning from each other and making each other better players. You can reach out to me here

  • Building an empire takes resources, and this one is no different. Any support you can offer, whether it's your time in the forum or a little financial boost (which would go straight to advertising and site development!), will be a huge help. You can support the project here

  • The more people who join the forum, the faster this community can grow! So be a pioneer, sign up, and let's build something truly epic together!


Medal of Honours Board

  • What: Added and updated a 'Medal of Honours' board, which will champion and shout out, all those that have helped and supported this project

  • Why: Being a firm believer in this project, I find it essential to acknowledge and express my gratitude to all the wonderful individuals who have shown unwavering support for both me and the project. This is my perfect opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you.

The Empire Build Academy Forum

  • What: I'm making great progress in enhancing the members forum! I'm currently focused on implementing sub categories to make discussions even more organized and engaging.

  • Why: One of the key factors that inspired me to kickstart this project is the incredible individuals I've encountered within the mobile strategy games community. With millions of enthusiasts engaged in this fantastic genre, it's high time we create a centralized hub where everyone can congregate, exchange valuable insights, offer tips, extend help, provide advice, and share personal opinions on various aspects. Let's come together in one place and build a supportive and inclusive community for all!


Buy Me A Coffee and CrowdFunder

  • What: Provided an update on buymeacoffee and CrowdFunder to try and raise funds and better equipment to continue the project

  • Why: This project is being run by just myself, and I have very limited funds. Through the two methods mentioned above, I aim to raise extra funds. These funds will not only greatly enhance the website, but also enable me to acquire better equipment to perform the various tasks involved in this project.

Homepage Improvements

  • What: Improved the website's homepage to enhance user-friendliness. This will be an ongoing effort.

  • Why: My main goal is to enhance every page on the website, but I'm especially determined to make the home page shine. I want to ensure that everything is easily accessible, no matter if users are on a desktop or mobile device. Most importantly, I want the home page to leave a lasting impression on every visitor, encouraging them to stay longer and explore more.

Game Guides

  • What: I've begun the process of adding genuine content to the gaming guides. Right now, they're simply a template that I put together. But don't worry, I'll be continuously working on this and making them more exciting!

  • Why: The purpose of this website is to offer incredible gaming guides that will assist mobile strategy game enthusiasts in elevating their gameplay. My goal is to provide clear and easy-to-follow guides for both newcomers and veterans of mobile strategy games. The Empire Build Academy strives to become the go-to destination for all your mobile strategy guide needs.


User Friendly Mobile Version

  • What: I have started implementing changes and improvements specifically targeted at enhancing the mobile experience. My goal is to make navigating the website on mobile devices smoother and more user-friendly. This project is ongoing, and I am committed to completing it in a timely manner. I will keep you informed about the progress and any exciting developments along the way.

  • Why: Most of the users on this site will access it through their mobile phones, especially since it is tailored for mobile strategy game enthusiasts. Making sure that the mobile version of the website is user-friendly and visually appealing is essential for the website's future growth.

The Empire Build Academy YouTube Channel

  • What: Prepared a dedicated YouTube page for upcoming video guides on the mobile strategy games our website will be featuring.

  • Why: I'll be creating not just visual and text guides, but also video guides for these games. Why? Because I want to provide you with multiple ways to learn and enjoy your gaming experience!

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