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The Empire Build Academy

Embark on the journey of building a powerful kingdom with this overview of the research and enhancements that can be done in Game of Thrones Conquest. Knowledge is the key to power!

Attention Game of Thrones Conquest players! Are you tired of being a rookie in the game? Ready to dominate your opponents and become a pro? Look no further, as we bring you the ultimate construction tips to transform your gameplay. Whether you're a seasoned player looking to level up or a new player seeking guidance, this article has got you covered.

Game of Thrones Conquest is one of the best mobile strategy games, and with my extensive guides, you should be able to enhance your research, and take your game to the next level.

If you love mobile war strategy games, then here at The Empire Build Academy, I've got you covered. From attack to defence, to the best equipment, and everything in between, I hope to provide you with everything you need to ace the strategy mobile games genre!



An Overview of the Research to be done in Game of Thrones Conquest

Are you familiar with the popular mobile game, Game of Thrones Conquest? Do you love the exhilaration of building your own kingdom, the thrill of battling other players, but find yourself stuck in your quest for domination? There's no need to feel like you're at a dead end. Indeed, you have untapped resources to leverage - knowledge and research. The key is always in the details. So, strap in for an all-inclusive review of the research that can be done in Game of Thrones Conquest!

Game of Thrones Conquest Research: What's It All About?

At first glance, you might think everything's about boosting your army or gaining more resources. But wait! Research forms a huge lifeline in this game. Why, you ask? Well, researching improves your kingdom's economy, military might, construction speeds, and even unlocking new, powerful troops. Essentially, research is the stepping stone towards creating a superpower kingdom, embodying strength, wealth and efficiency.

The Basics: Economy and Military

Your first steps in research should focus on economic and military structures. Economic research aids in improving farming, quarrying, and logging while military research concentrates on combat, troops, and artillery. To begin with:

  1. Economy: You can research areas like Farm Production, Sawmill Production etc to increase the output of your farms and sawmills respectively.

  2. Military: Battle Strength, Infantry Training, and Mounted Combat are some areas to explore here

Advanced Research and Enhancements

As the saying goes, the sky is the limit, and in the Game of Thrones Conquest, so is your research potential. As you level up, you unlock more advanced research tiers, enabling you to enhance your troops, even more, gain defensive abilities, and more. The advanced tiers such as:

  • City Defence allows you to research for added protection to your kingdoms.

  • Advanced Troops lets you train superior combat units, giving you an edge in battles.

  • Crafting offers insights into creating superior gear for your heroes.


Acquiring Research and Enhancements

Eager to march into the battlefield, loaded with research and an enhanced army? Hold your horses! To have the upper hand with these upgrades, you need Maester’s Tower and resources like Gold, Food, Wood, and the most vital of all - time. The Maester's Tower is where all your research happens. Upgrade your Maester's tower to unlock more research tiers and speed up research time. As for resources—you guessed it—regular gameplay, winning battles, and conquering other kingdoms are your primary routes.


Maester Upgrades

The Maester unlocks when you reach Keep level 4 and can be found to the right of the Keep.

Upgrade your game in four different areas with the Maester tower: Military, City Defence, Logistics, and Economy.

Keep your Maester busy researching new upgrades -- the bonuses are too good to miss out on!

Each upgrade boosts your overall power by 1,000 and improves your troops' stats, resource management, construction time, and more. Enjoy the benefits!


To boost your troops' strength, consider investing in Maester training within the Military tree.

Upgrade options in the Military tree include:

Faster Training Speed

Increased March Speed

Boosted Attack, Health, and Defence for Troops/Calvary/Siege units

Additional March slots

Pro tip: Prioritize Stewardship to unlock an extra march slot. This will be a game-changer for gathering resources, seizing Seats of Power, and defeating rival players!

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If you want to protect your resources and maintain your position of power, the City Defence tree is perfect for you!

Upgrade options in the City Defence tree include:

Boosting wall defence

Enhancing Defender/Trap attacks

Strengthening Defender defences

Improving Trap power against cavalry/infantry/archer

Increasing maximum trap capacity

Converting dead troops into wounded troops

Reducing trap training time


Pro tip: Don't stress about rushing City Defence upgrades until your resources exceed your storehouse capacity. And use bubbles to safeguard your walls in the early stages of the game. Happy defending!

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Looking to make your gameplay a little smoother? Get your logistics in order!

In the Logistics tree, you'll find upgrades like:

Faster march speed when attacking resources, seats of power, and creatures

Increased troop load capacity

Decreased construction time

Quicker stamina regeneration

More room for wounded troops

Faster healing times

Improved troop upkeep efficiency


Pro tip: If you're eyeing seats of power, prioritize upgrading War Supplies for faster march speed. This will catch your enemies off guard and give them less time to prepare for your attack.

Remember, building speed is key in the later levels, so max out Bureaucracy first!

To maximize your resource gathering abilities, look into the economy tree.

The Military tree upgrades include:

Increased storehouse capacity

Wood, Food, Stone and Iron production increase

Wood, Food, Stone and Iron gathering increase

Gold gathering increase

Pro tip: Storehouse capacity increase helps you save your resources for raids! Higher food production means more troop capacity since you can pay the upkeep.


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