A beginners guide to the Nexus War empire build game for mobile, brought to you by T.E.B.A.
Build the right buildings, at the right time, as T.E.B.A. takes you through what and when with construction.
As we all know, knowledge is power, and it's my favourite phrase at T.E.B.A. Use this knowledge to get ahead in the game.
Troops play a massive part in empire build games, whether that's attack or defence. I've broke it down here for you.
*** NOT YET ADDED - COMING SOON *** Check out some of the most FAQ's for the Nexus War mobile game!
As many of you will know, heroes play a massive part in the empire build genre, check out my VIP guide here.
Having a good defence strategy, can be the difference between getting zeroed or capping your opponent, get informed!
What troops? what heroes? what equipment? Find out all you need to know here to strategize your attacks
Understanding how the game mechanics work on all the different events is crucial to get a step ahead of the opposition