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Guinevere - Evony (Europe)

Guinevere - Evony (Europe)

The Empire Build Academy Logo New Nov' 24 (2).png

Guinevere – Queen Guinevere of Camelot in the medieval period, wife of King Arthur.

Your Ultimate Guide to Guinevere in Evony

Guinevere - Evony (Europe)

Have you tried using Guinevere as a general in Evony?

Guinevere is a top-notch Evony Duty General that you'll want to store in your Warehouse if you're fortunate enough to obtain her. Her unique ability, "Queen of Camelot," boosts your in-city ranged troops' attack and defence by 35%. Not only that, but it also weakens the defence and HP of enemy siege machines and ranged troops. This can really enhance your defensive strategies!


Guinevere – Special Skill

Just a heads up - Guinevere's Special Skill is always active and doesn't need any tweaks from you. Make sure to carefully go through the description to see if it's working as you hoped.

Oh, and one more thing - you can level up Guinevere through Evony General Ascending. Each star level she climbs will give her an extra boost to her Special Skill.

Queen of Camelot

When Guinevere is your Warehouse Officer, your in-city ranged troops will get a 35% boost in attack and defence. Plus, the enemy's ranged troops and siege machines will have their defence and HP reduced by 15%. Cool, right?


Enhanced Special Skill Bonuses for Ascended Guinevere

Wondering what awesome bonuses ascended Guinevere gets to her Special Skill at each star level? Check it out below:

1 Star: Construction Speed increases by 4% when Guinevere is the Warehouse Officer, and In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine get a 35% boost.

2 Star: With Guinevere as the Warehouse Officer, Construction Speed jumps to 6%, and In-city Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defence get a 40% increase.


3 Star: Guinevere's troops get a 15% boost to Attack, Defence, and HP when she is the Warehouse Officer.

4 Star: Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defence and HP drop by 25% with Guinevere as the Warehouse Officer.

5 Star: Ranged Troop Attack goes up by 15%, while Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defence and HP get a 15% bonus when Guinevere is the Warehouse Officer.


Guinevere – Special Skills

Discover these special abilities once your Evony General reaches level 25. While they may be a bit pricey to upgrade, requiring Gems and Runestones, they are well worth the investment!

Ranged Troop Formation

Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Ranged Troop Defence +10%


Enemy Troop Defence -10%

Sage (Applied to Warehouse Officer)

Resources Protected +80%

Food Protected from Troop Upkeep +120%

In City Troop Attack +10%

Nun’s Salvation (Applied to Warehouse Officer)

In-city Troop Attack +10%

In-city Ranged Troop Attack +30%

Enemy Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Defence -30%


Guinevere - Construction Specialist

If you're using Guinevere as a pure Evony Duty General for building tasks, you don't need to worry about skill books or equipment. They won't make a difference while Guinevere is hard at work at a building. Instead, put your efforts into cultivating Guinevere to enhance their duty rank.

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