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Elizabeth I - Evony (Europe)

Elizabeth I - Evony (Europe)

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Elizabeth I – The last Queen of England and Ireland of the House of Tudor, as well as the Queen of France.

Your Ultimate Guide to Elizabeth I in Evony

Elizabeth I - Evony (Europe)

Can Elizabeth I be a good general in Evony?

Elizabeth I is a great choice for both Ranged PvP and Ranged Defence in Evony. Her ability to debuff enemy ranged troops also makes her a strong option for Sub City battles.

Remember, Elizabeth I's Special Skill is always active and doesn't need any development. Make sure to read the description carefully to understand how it will benefit your troops.

You can also ascend Elizabeth I through the Evony General Ascending feature to unlock additional buffs for her Special Skill. Her Hammer of the Gauls skill increases your ranged troops and siege machines' attack by 15% and decreases enemy ranged troops' attack by 15% when she leads the army.


Ascended Special Skill Buffs

Here are the extra boosts that an ascended Elizabeth I will get for her Special Skill at each ascended star level:

1 Star: Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defence will increase by 5%, and HP will go up by 10%.

2 Star: The rate of turning Troop Death into Wounded will increase by 10% when Elizabeth I is leading the attack.

3 Star: March Size Capacity will increase by 14%.

4 Star: Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defence will see a 15% increase, and HP will receive a 10% boost.

5 Star: Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Attack will get a 15% increase.


Elizabeth I's Special Abilities

You can unlock these special skills once your Evony General reaches level 25. Just a heads up, they can be a bit pricey to develop, as they require Gems and Runestones. But they're totally worth it!

Ranged Troop Formation

Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Ranged Troop Defence +10%


March Size Capacity +6%

Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack +10%

Ranged Troop Ares

Ranged Troop Attack +10%

Ranged Troop HP +10%

Ranged Troop Defence +10%

Golden Age

Ranged Troop Attack +20%

Enemy Ranged Troop Attack -25%


Elizabeth I - Quick Overview

Elizabeth I is a powerful gold general in the exciting world of Evony The King's Return.


Located in the Europe section of the tavern, Elizabeth I can be recruited for 60,000,000 gold.

Known for her debuff abilities in ranged combat, Elizabeth I ranks as the 3rd best in this category.

She is highly effective at reducing the enemy's Siege, Ground, and Ranged attacks by 40%, as well as Mounted attacks.

Elizabeth I can be acquired through purchasing premium packages.


Elizabeth I excels as an offensive ranged general, granting a total ranged buff of 85% when all skills are maxed out.

General Stats:

With impressive overall stats in leadership, attack, defence, and politics, Elizabeth I holds a ranking of 35.

At level 35 with a 5-star rating, Elizabeth I boasts leadership at 870, attack at 871, defence at 864, and politics at 840.


Here's a breakdown of Elizabeth I's stats at different levels and star ratings:

Level 1, 0 stars:

Leadership: 115 (Growth: 8.73)

Attack: 113 (Growth: 8.72)

Defence: 112 (Growth: 8.65)

Politics: 120 (Growth: 9.25)

Level 35, 5 stars:

Leadership: 853

Attack: 850

Defence: 843

Politics: 902

Fully cultivated level 35, 5 star:

Leadership: 1353

Attack: 1350

Defence: 1343

Politics: 1402

Fully cultivated level 40, 5 star:

Leadership: 1462

Attack: 1459

Defence: 1451

Politics: 1517

Elizabeth I sure becomes a powerhouse as she levels up and gains stars!


Elizabeth I – Ranged PvP Build

Are you a fan of taking out your enemies from afar? Then this build is perfect for you! It focuses on maximizing your ranged attack, HP, and defence through skill books and equipment refines.

In the early game, this build will help you deal maximum damage, especially against mounted heavy opponents. Just keep in mind that ranged attack skill books can't be added to this build.

Here are the skill books and equipment refines you should consider:

Skill Books:

Lvl 4 Ranged Troop Attack – Ranged Attack +25%

Lvl 4 Ranged Troop Range Bonus – Ranged Troop Range +100

Lvl 4 March Size – March Size +12%

Equipment Refines:

Bow – Ranged Troop Attack % x4

Armor – Ranged Troop Defence % x4

Boots – Ranged Troop Defence % x4

Helmet – Ranged Troop HP % x4

Leg Armor – Ranged Troop HP % x4

Ring – Ranged Troop Attack % x4

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