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The Empire Build Academy

Attention Rise of Kingdoms players! Are you tired of being a rookie in the game? Ready to dominate your opponents and become a pro? Look no further, as we bring you the ultimate construction tips to transform your gameplay. Whether you're a seasoned player looking to level up or a new player seeking guidance, this article has got you covered.

Rise of Kingdoms is one of the best mobile strategy games, and with my extensive guides, you should be able to enhance your attack, and take your game to the next level.

If you love mobile war strategy games, then here at The Empire Build Academy, I've got you covered. From attack to defence, to the best equipment, and everything in between, I hope to provide you with everything you need to ace the strategy mobile games genre!



Unravelling the Art of Construction in Rise of Kingdoms

Have you ever wondered about the right approach to construction in Rise of Kingdoms? Do you want to gain mastery of the game and harness your city? This article provides a comprehensive overview of the essential tips tailored for an immersive gaming experience.

Construction in Rise of Kingdoms: The Basics

At first glance, the game often seems overwhelming, causing many to question, "Where do I begin with my constructions?" The answer is relatively straightforward: start with the command centre. It is the beating heart of your city, dictating the level of other buildings — the higher its level, the more robust your city. Next, focus on the farms, lumber mills, and quarries. They provide the resources necessary for upgrades and creating troops. However, remember to upgrade your warehouses as well — they protect these scarce resources during an enemy raid.

Balancing Between Construction and Expansion

While it's crucial to build rapidly, expanding carelessly can lead to your downfall. Hence, the question arises: "How do I strike a balance?" The key lies in harmonizing your expansion rates and building upgrades, all while nurturing a potent army for defence.

Train your troops ceaselessly, even as you construct.

Ensure your Hospital is high level to care for injured troops.

Avoid stepping on the toes of neighbouring cities until you're well fortified.

Now, are you asking, "What about military buildings, and where do they fit in?" Military buildings, including Barracks, Archery Range, and Stable, should be upgraded in parallel to your City Hall. They enable the creation of more potent troops, affording better city defences and successful attacks.

Making Use of Alliances

One of the critical aspects many ignore is the power of alliances. "Why are alliances crucial in Rise of Kingdoms?" Simply put, alliances offer benefits like shared research, increased defence, and resource support. Ensure that you contribute to your alliances. In return, the alliance will aid your development, essential to rapid construction.



Over the years, Rise of Kingdoms has become a must-play game in the mobile gaming world. Known for its top-notch strategy conquest gameplay, this title stands out for its intricate building and combat mechanics. Plus, it boasts one of the largest and friendliest communities around. If you're searching for a fun and engaging game to dive into (and maybe even invest a little cash), look no further than Rise of Kingdoms. There's so much to explore, experience, and enjoy!

Rise of Kingdoms Buildings List

Let's start by understanding all the buildings you'll encounter in this game as you level up. Knowing this will help you decide on what to prioritize.

Main Buildings: These are the key structures in your town that you'll spend most of your time upgrading with high priority.


City Hall: The heart of your city! When you upgrade City Hall, all other structures in your town can level up too. Plus, you'll be able to send out more troops at once and increase your squads' march capacity.


Walls: Your town's first line of defence. Enemies will damage your walls in battle, but don't worry - if the durability reaches zero, your town will just teleport to a new spot on the map to keep you safe! Remember to repair your walls manually to keep them strong. And if there's a fire, use gems to put it out and prevent more damage.

Academy: While it may not be the "main" building in your city, the Academy holds immense importance. That's why we're shining a spotlight on it here! This building serves a straightforward purpose - it's where you can delve into a wide array of technologies to enhance various aspects of your city. Whether you want to speed up development, boost troop training, increase resource gathering efficiency, and much more, the Academy is a vital part of any city. Take the time and resources to research new tech and watch your city's performance soar!

The Watchtower: A vital part of your defence system, the Watchtower acts as an extra layer of protection against enemy assaults. Similar to the Walls, the Watchtower takes damage when attacked, but with each strike from the enemy, its damage output increases. Upgrading the Watchtower not only strengthens its defence but also offers better protection for your garrisoned units, reducing the harm they endure from intruders.

Economic Buildings: These structures play a key role in producing and storing resources for your town, as well as facilitating trade with your allies. Additionally, you'll discover diplomatic buildings in this category, which allow you to engage with your alliance members and strengthen your bonds.

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Resource Buildings

Farm: Provides food for your town. Levelling up will improve production speed and resource storage capacity.

Lumber Mill: Produces wood for your town. Upgrading will increase production rates and storage limits.

Quarry: Supplies stone for your town. Increasing its level will enhance production speed and resource storage capacity.

Goldmine: This building generates gold for your town! By levelling it up, you can increase both the rate of production and the storage limit for your resources.


Storehouse: Keep your raw resources safe from enemy attacks by storing them in the Storehouse. Upgrading this building will expand its storage capacity, but be careful - if you exceed this limit, your resources can be stolen by enemies!

Alliance Centre: Stay connected with your alliances through the Alliance Centre. By helping each other out, you can speed up research, construction, and upgrades. Levelling up this building will allow you to receive more help and shorten project times even further.

Builder's Hut: The Builder's Hut is where your builders hang out. It displays all your ongoing constructions and upgrades, making it easy to keep track of your progress.

Shop: This is where you can spend your gems and resources to get useful items. As your VIP level goes up, you'll start seeing even better deals!

Trading Post: Here, you can donate resources to your alliance members. Keep in mind, it takes a little time for your transporters to deliver the goods, but upgrading the building will speed up the process and lower the tax rate on donations.


Lyceum of Wisdom: Want to test your knowledge and win awesome rewards? Unlock the trivia minigame here! Compete in monthly challenges to earn gems and show off your smarts.

Courier Station: Every so often, a special merchant will swing by with amazing discounts on a variety of items. It's the only spot where you can swap raw resources for something more valuable, so you can protect your materials from enemies.

Did you know? Your resource production buildings like farms, lumber mills, gold mines, and quarries are capped at 10 hours of production in their base forms, no matter their levels! It's a good idea to check on them and collect their resources at least twice a day to prevent over capping and lost production. Plus, the resources stored in these buildings are safe from enemy attacks and will be waiting for you until you claim them. Happy collecting!

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Military Buildings

Military Buildings

These buildings are all about combat - from training troops and healing them after battles to crafting new gear for your commanders!

Tavern: This cool building allows you to use your silver and golden keys to open chests filled with awesome rewards like commanders and upgrade materials. Upgrading the Tavern will also make your free chests refresh faster, so you can open them more often even without keys!

Scout Camp: The Scout Camp is where you can send out your scouts to explore the map, revealing hidden cities and other interesting places. Your scouts can even spy on other commanders to gather valuable info about their troops and resources. Upgrading this building will make your scouts faster, increase their range, and allow you to send out more scouts at once.

Barracks: Train your Infantry units here! Want to unlock higher tier troops? Make sure to do some research in the Academy.


Archery Range: Get those Archer units trained up at the range! Don't forget to research to unlock those higher tier troops in the Academy.

Stable: Giddy up and train your Cavalry units at the stable! Higher tier troops can be unlocked through research in the Academy.

Siege Workshop: Ready to roll out the Siege units? Head to the workshop and remember to research for those higher tier troops in the Academy.


Hospital: Rest and recover your wounded troops at the hospital. It's a cost-effective way to get them back in fighting shape. Just be mindful of your troop capacity – once it's full, any additional wounded troops will be lost for good. Don't forget to upgrade to increase capacity!

Monument: Hey there! Want to take a trip down memory lane and see your city's history? The Monument feature lets you do just that, while also allowing you to claim cool rewards for meeting specific requirements during events or special occasions.

Castle: Calling all governors and allies! The Castle feature is where you can gather your troops and plan epic rallies to take down big objectives. By upgrading the Alliance Center, you'll be able to host even bigger rallies with more troops.


Blacksmith: Gear up your commanders with the Blacksmith feature! Craft gear and gather materials to strengthen your team. You can also dismantle equipment here to get useful materials for crafting.

Bulletin Board: Stay in the loop with the Bulletin Board! Check out the latest info on events and get a detailed breakdown of ongoing event timelines. It's a handy place to keep up to date on what's happening in the game.

We understand that it may be overwhelming at first, but remember that these buildings are not all immediately available. They are unlocked as you upgrade your City Hall and advance in the game. However, it's important to know the function of each building to properly develop your city.

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Building Upgrade Priority

Now that you've got a handle on what each building can do in Rise of Kingdoms, you're on the right track to building a thriving city! The next step? Figuring out which buildings to focus on first to maximize your progress later in the game. Luckily, there are just a few key buildings that deserve your attention right off the bat, aside from the City Hall and Academy which should always be your top priorities for upgrades. Now, let's talk about the top buildings you should focus on upgrading first in Rise of Kingdoms:


Storehouse: The higher the level of your Storehouse, the more resources you can safely store away. This makes you less of a target for potential attackers.

Scout Camp: Upgrading your Scout Camp will give you faster spies with a wider range, improving your map awareness. This will help you discover valuable ruins, resources, and other important areas.

Hospital: As combat becomes more common in the game, keeping your hospitals in top condition is crucial to avoid unnecessary losses.


Wall: Your Wall works together with your Town Hall, so you'll always be upgrading it. It serves as the first line of defence for your city, so don't forget to keep it upgraded. Remember, a strong defence is key to protecting your kingdom.

Trading Post: This building is exceedingly useful as it lets you send resources to allies, as well as receive. In these cases, keeping your Trading Posts upgraded will minimize the losses from taxes on each transaction, and will ensure that your resources travel as fast as possible.

If you can, try upgrading these five structures first! It'll make a big difference.

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In Rise of Kingdoms, how quickly you advance depends on how many resources you have on hand. Waiting for construction and research timers can slow you down, especially if you don't have enough resources at the ready to keep things moving.

To speed up your progress, consider creating farm accounts. By developing multiple cities simultaneously, you can use the Trading Post to transfer resources from your alternate accounts to your main town. This way, you'll have the combined production of all your towns helping your main account, allowing you to progress more efficiently.


If you want your city to grow quickly, remember not to just rely on building production! Sending out your troops to gather materials on the world map can make a big difference in keeping your resources well-stocked.


Beauty is subjective, so while everyone may have their own preferences, we have some tips to help make your towns visually appealing:

Organize your town: Group your buildings into different sectors or districts, each with its own theme like military, production, and administrative. This will give your town a sense of order and cleanliness.

Decorate to connect: Use decorations to tie your sectors together. Consider adding a plaza or central statue where all the roads meet for a more urban feel.

Choose decorations wisely: Match your decorations to the corresponding zones; use trees for administrative areas, statues and pillars for diplomatic buildings, etc.

Unlock unique decorations: Participate in events to unlock limited decorations that will give your town a unique and distinct look, including special skins for your Town Hall.

That’s all for our Rise of Kingdoms city building guide! Happy building!

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