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The Empire Build Academy

Attention Clash of Clans players! Are you tired of being a rookie in the game? Ready to dominate your opponents and become a pro? Look no further, as we bring you the ultimate construction tips to transform your gameplay. Whether you're a seasoned player looking to level up or a new player seeking guidance, this article has got you covered.

Clash of Clans is one of the best mobile strategy games, and with my extensive guides, you should be able to enhance your attack, and take your game to the next level.

If you love mobile war strategy games, then here at The Empire Build Academy, I've got you covered. From attack to defence, to the best equipment, and everything in between, I hope to provide you with everything you need to ace the strategy mobile games genre!



Deciding on the Perfect Base Type and Design for You

Choose the type of base that suits your strategy. You have three main options: Farming, Trophy, and Hybrid bases.

A farming base is perfect when you focus on collecting resources. The key idea is to keep your town hall outside the walls, even if it means sacrificing some trophies. Don't stress about it, though, because you'll be rewarded with a 12-hour shield! This shield ensures that no one can attack your village during that time. Generally, you'll want to keep your storages and collectors protected inside the walls too.

On the other hand, a trophy base revolves around preserving your hard-earned trophies. This means placing your town hall securely inside your base. Remember, your precious trophies are the top priority here. Just keep in mind that by concentrating on trophies, you might be at risk of losing some resources.

For those seeking balance, a hybrid base is the way to go. It guarantees equal defence for both your trophies and resources. This type of base ensures that you can protect your achievements in the game while also maintaining a healthy resource flow.

So, take a moment to consider your goals and select the base type that aligns with your strategy. Don't rush the decision, as your base can make a significant difference in your Clash of Clans journey. Good luck!

Choose what you'd like to create your layout with

When planning your layout, consider different options for your base design. Here are some popular choices:

Egg-Shell Base: This design consists of multiple walls surrounding the core of the base. For instance, you can have a central area surrounded by walls, while less important buildings are enclosed by another layer of walls on the outside.

Compartment Base: In this style, each of the most significant buildings has its own compartment within the base. Conversely, the less critical structures are placed outside the main base area, essentially creating an additional "building wall."

Bulkhead Base: Think of this design as similar to the Titanic's layout. The concept is to have multiple compartments within the base. If one section gets attacked or compromised, the others will provide support. It's somewhat of a combination between an egg-shell and a compartment base.

Modified Compartment Base: In this variation, each compartment can hold 2-3 buildings instead of just one. It offers a slightly different approach to the traditional compartment base design.

Feel free to experiment with these different base layouts and choose the one that best suits your strategy.

Building Placement:

Here are some tips for placing your buildings strategically:

Keep splash damage buildings close to the centre: These buildings, such as mortars and wizard towers, are crucial to keep near the centre of your base. Mortars, in particular, have a wide range and are vulnerable to attacks from any direction. By centralizing them, you can minimize their exposure and maximize their effectiveness in defending your base.

Centralize "normal" category buildings: This includes archer towers, cannons, and air defence. Placing them in the centre ensures that they provide coverage to each other. If one tower is under attack, the others can help take down the attackers. This is especially important for air defence, as without it, your base becomes an easy target for dragon attacks.

Trust your instincts when dealing with traps: Traps are versatile and can be used in various ways, such as funnelling enemies or targeting wall-breakers. Feel free to experiment and have fun with them. Want to create a troll base? Go ahead and make one. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the flexibility that traps offer in the game.

Exploring Alternative Wall/Trap Techniques

To prevent archers from shooting over the wall, employ a clever technique called "double-walling." It involves creating two layers of walls with a space in between. Simply construct one wall layer, leave a gap, and then build another wall layer. This way, those pesky archers won't be able to target their arrows beyond the wall.

Create a fun and mischievous "troll base" by cleverly setting up a surprise for unsuspecting opponents. Craftily design your base with a seemingly innocent hole right in the centre, strategically filled with sneaky traps. To make it even more cunning, encircle the area with sturdy defensive structures that will lure inexperienced players into recklessly deploying their troops, resulting in an explosive surprise for them.


You can try out a neat tactic called funnelling. Essentially, you create a cleverly concealed opening in your wall, making it appear unintentional. This cunning move entices enemy troops to venture inside, only to be swiftly launched into the air by the cunningly placed traps you've set. It's an explosive surprise they won't see coming!

If you want to mess with your opponents during an attack, try out an interesting strategy called "wall-breaker sniping." The concept is simple: create a wall with intentional weak spots and place spring traps within those gaps. This clever trick will send the wall-breakers flying into the sky instead of demolishing your precious defences. It's a fun and effective way to throw your enemies off guard while preserving the integrity of your walls.


Understanding How Buildings Work

To effectively establish a strong foundation in COC, it is crucial to comprehend the uses and advantages of different buildings. Here are some important factors to take into account:

Town Hall: The Town Hall serves multiple functions. By intentionally exposing it, you can lure and divert attackers, giving you more time to prepare your defences. Conversely, safeguarding its location within the base provides extra protection for valuable loot and resources.

Resource Buildings: Resource Storage buildings have high durability, making them effective shields for defences that deal significant damage. Place them strategically to discourage attackers from easily looting your resources.


Defence Buildings: Having a clear understanding of the damage types and output of defence buildings helps you determine which areas you want them to focus on. By prioritizing the defence of specific structures, you can enhance your base's overall defensive capabilities.

Army Buildings: Although army buildings may not contribute directly to defence, they play a crucial role in channelling attacks into desired areas or dispersing attackers.

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Offensive strategies: Maximizing your attack power

Pro Tips and Tricks for That Epic Base Building!

Here are some tips to boost your defence strategies in the game:

Know the Range of Army Units: Understand the range of commonly used army units in your league and use this knowledge to plan an effective building placement strategy.

Become a Wall Master: Create a strong perimeter using walls to slow down enemy troops. By strategically channelling them into the range of defensive structures, you can maximize the effectiveness of your defences.

Optimize Clan Castle Placement: Position your Clan Castle centrally within your base. This way, you can maximize its defensive potential and make it easier to support your defences with donated troops.


Set Traps for Surprise Attacks: Surprise your enemies by strategically placing traps like Bombs, Spring Traps, and Giant Bombs. By using them effectively, you can eliminate enemy troops and gain the upper hand in defence.

Protect Your Town Hall: Safeguard your loot by protecting your Town Hall. It's a good idea to place it in a more fortified location within your base. This discourages attackers and minimizes potential loot losses.

Master Funnelling: Get creative with your base design by strategically utilizing walls and buildings to create a funnel that leads your troops straight into the heart of the enemy's base. Quick tip: If you're looking for a ground troop that excels at funnelling, the wizard is your go-to!


Ensure Air Defence Coverage: Don't leave your base vulnerable to devastating air attacks! Make sure you have sufficient air defences in place to counter airborne threats and minimize potential damage caused by enemy aerial troops.

Analyse 3-Star Attacks: Boost your defence game by studying both successful and failed attacks on your bases. Analysing these battles can provide you with invaluable insights to fortify your defences and make your base harder to crack.

Consider the attack time limit in your strategy: Visualize how attackers would approach your defences and aim to introduce as many obstacles and delays as possible. Trust us, nothing stings more than an attacker running out of time before fully conquering your base. Time fails can be a game-changer!

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Figuring out your layout

If you're a beginner in Clash of Clans, figuring out how to plan your first base layout can be quite confusing if you don't understand how troops and buildings work. But hey, don't worry! The Copy Layout feature has got your back. It's a super handy tool that lets you build your first bases conveniently and effectively.

With this feature, you can replicate base layouts created by other players. It saves you heaps of time and effort compared to starting from scratch. Plus, it gives you the chance to apply your basic Clash of Clans knowledge to enhance existing designs, ensuring you get top-notch results for your base layouts.


But hold on, folks! Copying a base is only the beginning of your journey to greatness. To truly excel, you need to keep improving your base layouts by carefully analysing successful and failed attacks on your village. By identifying weak points and making adjustments, you'll fortify your defences and take your gameplay experience to a whole new level.

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Popular Clash of Clans Base Designs

Check out these awesome Clash of Clans Base Designs that are a real hit!

If you're an avid Clash of Clans player, you know the importance of having a solid base layout. It can make all the difference when defending against enemy attacks or launching your own strategic offensives. To help you in your quest for the perfect base design, we've rounded up some of the most popular ones that have been winning players' hearts.

The Anti-3 Star Base: This popular design is specifically aimed at preventing attackers from achieving a flawless 3-star victory. The base's main focus is on fortifying its core to create a significant obstacle for opponents trying to attack. Moreover, defensive structures are strategically positioned to limit the impact of any splash damage.


The Southern Teaser Base: An ingenious approach to building a base, the Southern Teaser tempts attackers towards the southern part of the village, creating an illusion of vulnerability. Little do they know, a well-protected core and cleverly placed traps await those who underestimate the base's true strength.

The Ring Base: In this design, the Clan Castle, heroes, and other crucial defensive structures are positioned in the centre, encircled by multiple layers of walls. This multi-layered defence system poses a formidable challenge for attackers, making it a tough puzzle to navigate through.


The Magma Moat: This design features a clever arrangement of walls and defensive structures, forming a protective perimeter around your Town Hall. It strategically utilizes lava-filled trenches, making it a daunting challenge for attackers to breach your defences.

The Spiral Staircase: Looking for a design that confuses invaders? The Spiral Staircase might be your answer. This unique layout leads attackers on a twisting path towards your Town Hall, while a robust combination of traps and defences lies in wait, ready to repel their advances.

The Tesla Farm: This design focuses on maximizing the power of Tesla towers. By clustering these electrifying defences together, you create a formidable stronghold that can zap away even the toughest troops in no time. It's electrifyingly effective!


The Compact Fortress: Ideal for those who prefer a more compact base design, this layout optimizes the use of defensive structures and walls. Every square inch counts as the Compact Fortress offers a highly concentrated defence, minimizing weak spots and denying attackers an easy way into your core.

Remember, these are just a few popular base designs among countless options out there. Feel free to experiment and adapt them according to your playing style or tweak them to surprise your opponents. With the right base design, you'll be well on your way to becoming a Clash of Clans champion!

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Final thoughts

What are upgrades? Well, in Clash of Clans, upgrades are an absolute grind. They are what make the game exciting and essential. Upgrades not only increase the strength and efficiency of your troops and buildings, but they also add a cool factor to them. So, the big question is, where should you start with your upgrades? This post is specifically for those who are pondering over the same question! And let me tell you, the Laboratory is not the only building that deserves priority when it comes to upgrades!

When it comes to the priority of upgrading building types, the general rule is to focus on offense first, followed by resources, and then defence. Let's take a look at the specific priorities for each building type.


Offense - Your army's offensive capabilities should always take top priority. Upgrading your offense not only leads to stronger attacks, but it also allows you to donate a wider range of troops to your clan. Surprisingly, a couple of offense buildings even contribute to your defence!

Here is the order of priority for offense: Laboratory, Clan Castle, Heroes, Army Camps, Barracks, and Spell Factories.

The top three priorities in Clash of Clans are the Laboratory, Clan Castle, and your Heroes. The Laboratory is pretty self-explanatory as it boosts the effectiveness of all your offensive units. The Clan Castle and your Heroes are important for both offense and defence, no doubt about it!

As for the Army Camps and Barracks, they can be considered interchangeable depending on which troop is unlocked at your Town Hall level. If there's a troop that you plan to use frequently, like the Baby Dragon, then prioritize upgrading the corresponding Barracks.


The Spell Factories, on the other hand, can be put on the backburner. They have longer upgrade times, but don't worry, you can speed up the process using Magic Items if you have them. Honestly, there isn't much more to say about them.


When it comes to storage buildings, there are only two types available. In the early stages of the game, it is wise to give priority to your storages rather than your collectors. The reason behind this is pretty simple – it's quite easy to reach the maximum capacity of your storages in the beginning. However, I must emphasize that you shouldn't neglect your collectors entirely because they play a significant role in providing resources during the early stages of the game.

Once you reach Town Hall level 11 (TH11), I strongly recommend shifting your focus towards prioritizing the collectors. This is because they will reach their maximum potential at this TH level and will greatly contribute to your resource accumulation.

It's important to note that if you aren't able to dedicate much time to the game and you're not very active, it might be a good idea to prioritize your resources over offense. This will enable you to at least have a steady stream of passive income in terms of resources. So, make sure to manage your priorities accordingly based on your level of activity.


Defence - The Last on Your Upgrade List

No matter what, defence should always be your final priority when it comes to upgrading buildings. It's not surprising that many people tend to focus on strengthening their defences first. However, this doesn't hold much significance because either you rarely get attacked or you end up being three-starred anyway (which, by the way, depends on your league and trophy count).

But hey, that doesn't mean defence is completely worthless. It still serves its purpose, although it takes a backseat to offense. Let's admit it, offense is just way more enjoyable than defence. So, go ahead and have some fun with your upgrades before finally giving some attention to your defences!


Traps are given more importance than the actual defence buildings for a couple of reasons. Firstly, they are cheaper to upgrade and upgrade much faster. This means that you can quickly strengthen your base without breaking the bank. Additionally, traps catch people off guard because they rarely expect to encounter high-level traps in a base that doesn't have maxed defences. In fact, I consider the Hidden Tesla to be a trap as well, due to its surprising function.

The only time I would ever prioritize defence is when I need to upgrade specific defences for war weight. Apart from that, my focus remains on enhancing traps for maximum effectiveness.

I hope you found this information helpful, or at the very least, enjoyable to read! Feel free to share your thoughts and ask any questions or engage in a discussion. Thank you!

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